
Marketing Can be Fun...Honestly!

By: Luci Dumas

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Does the idea of marketing usually seem like a daunting, un-fun activity? I have to admit it did to me. What I love most is to photograph kids and families, and get to know my clients. I find selling a creative and rewarding activity. I love coaching photographers on how to sell and market and create beautiful, sellable photographs.

But I was honestly kind of resistant to the thought of finding clients, and even the word marketing.

But here is the good news! I realized that I have always marketed in ways that I truly enjoy over the last 36 years of my full time photography career. While busy thinking marketing is a chore, I have found activities I look forward to that bring the most awesome clients my way.

My big “Aha Moment” was realizing that, I, my coaching clients and fellow photographers friends don’t have to do every possible idea in order to get work. We just need to find those activities that fit our personalities and interests, attract enough ideal clients, and do them well.

For example, I am a natural networker. I love to get to know people and refer them to services that I love. I am happy when people have the same great service or products from these businesses. And I enjoy supporting businesses that are awesome. For example, I find myself referring Mid-South Color Labs for printing, and The Levin Company for framing, over and over with no commission, not even the thought of it.

Because of this natural networking, I constantly gave referrals to my brides when I was a wedding photographer in San Diego for the first 10 of my 36 years in business. Even if I was booked on a wedding date, I shared my list of favorites with couples to help them have a great day and help my favorite vendors get weddings as well. I built friendships with cake bakers, DJ’s, caterers, and I even referred excellent photographers when I was booked. Of course, many of these vendors sent clients my way, which resulted in less need to “market” in ways that didn’t seem fun.

Another example of something I enjoy is trade shows. Because I am a chatty, friendly extrovert, setting up a booth and connecting with potential clients is enjoyable for me. I might do a drawing or sell gift certificates to “land” my ideal clients at a show or charity boutique. However, schmoozing with other vendors is a very important part of trade shows. I set up early and then walk around and chat with others who serve my ideal clients. I invite them to stop by my booth and sit when they need a break. I stay top of mind for vendors I already know.

What is natural for you? Do you love to write? Then blogging, writing articles for other blogs or magazines, sending newsletters, and such might be a fun way to market for you.

Do you have a heart to give? Charity auctions can be ideal when done properly by bringing donations to the charity and connecting you with wonderful new clients.

Do you love social media? Spending time in Facebook groups offering tips and making connections with moms or brides or pet lovers can be valuable.

What else do you love to do and how can you turn that into a “client-getting strategy”? Wouldn’t it be great to be as excited about the activities that pay off in new work as actually doing the work?

That being said, there are some things that may not be natural for you but get the results you are looking for. There are times when we have to “just do it”…or find someone that will. You may need to pay someone to help with these activities and it is totally worth it.

For instance, one of the most overlooked ways to get bookings is to create a lifetime relationship with your best clients. Keep a robust and up to date contact list and send communications regularly as well as making the occasional phone call or even take them to lunch or coffee. Send “snail mail” postcards for each season without it looking like advertising. A monthly or bi-monthly newsletter that is simple and readable will keep you top of mind for new and potential clients. For most people, an assistant to help with this ongoing strategy is worth the investment.

The moral of the story is this… we have created our business because we are passionate about photography, about children or animals or the love couples share. And because we want to have the income and lifestyle we dream about. I believe that every part of our businesses can have enjoyable aspects and that even marketing can be what gets us out of bed in the morning with a smile.

By the way, if you have not downloaded my eBook, 10 Big Ideas for Marketing in The Real World yet, you can sign up at

Feel free to reach out for support, coaching, or to give feedback any time.  I would love for you to join the conversation in my private group

Luci Dumas Fine Photography and
Insight Training for Photographers


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